Coin Rank:
Current Price:
$587.91 (15m)
Market Cap:
$85,794,483,058.00 (24h)
24h Volume:
$1,079,107,796.43 (24h)
ATH (All-Time High):
Total Supply:
148,930,232.00 BNB
Max Supply:
200,000,000.00 BNB
Binance Coin is the digital token of the Binance exchange. It is an exchanging token only for cryptographic forms of money. The name "Binance" is a blend of binary and finance.
Binance Coin [BNB] is a cryptocurrency with its own blockchain. The most actual price for one Binance Coin [BNB] is $587.91. The 24h volume of [BNB] is $1,079,107,796.43, while the Binance Coin market cap is $85,794,483,058.00 which ranks it as #4 of all cryptocurrencies. You can find more information about Binance Coin [BNB] on
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